Shame on Mental Health

When a person comes to a psychiatrist’s office complaining of expansive thoughts (manic), the doctor invariably prescribes a tranquilizer and possibly offers some cognitive sort of therapy.  It is nearly unheard of however for that patient to undergo any sort of discovery process as to what is diagnostically observable such as blood and brain chemistry testing. 

Low Histamine can be associated with the manic phase of bipolar disorder, hearing voices, hallucinations and the like.  It doesn’t take a scientist to drug someone to the point of not having expansive thoughts.  This most often leaves the patient unable to have real thoughts at all, much less the productivity, happiness and connectedness we refer to as social activity. 

Doctors who consider tranquilizers as the only handling for psychosis are probably uninformed.  In conjunction with standard drug therapy for acute situations, it is possible to deliver specific nutrient therapy based upon brain chemistry testing via blood, plasma and serum testing.  For instance it is likely that Niacin raise histamine and has proven successful in a double blind study (Lancet 1961, A. Hoffer, H. Osmond) demonstrating an 82% improvement in the schizophrenic with more than 50% of the whole group being 5 year cures.  Vit C can lower a high epinephrine and has also often been demonstrated to be needed in higher doses for the schizophrenic.Nutrient therapy is not one vitamin= one cure to one problem.  Tryptophan used often in depression needs many cofactors to create Serotonin.  GABA must use at least B3, B6, and Zinc to work.

Supplement therapy is of little value without an ongoing whole foods diet capable of delivering needed nutrients, especially when repairing damage.  These Orthomolecular techniques, having not only proved their worth clinically, but stand to good reason that our bodies use the things we put in it on a daily basis to create health should be incorporated into any treatment protocol.  Once the situation stabilizes, it very well may be found that the drugs are no longer needed.  If that is found to be the case, imagine the impact on that persons life and the lives that person touches.  That person can then function at their inherent capacity, rather than drain the resources of those that must care for them.

Addicted biochemistries also have predicable lab findings.  A person who is not in neuroendocrine homeostasis (chemically imbalanced) is going to have cravings, and via self medicating will temporarily offset the imbalance in either stimulatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters.  The neuroendocrine system is the point where hormone producing glands interact with the neurology.  The neurology responds to conditions by releasing and producing neurotransmitters.  These neurotransmitters modify a nerve impulse, either amplifying or dampening the intensity of the nerve impulse.  If the system is not working correctly, the person will experience discomfort.  Pain for instance, is inhibited by endorphins.  Lack of this ability, and lack of endorphins can make what would be minor emotional or physical pain unbearable. So the person medicates with opiates, alcohol or other similar substance.  Through the use of DLPA and several other aminos and associated cofactors and minerals, we can raise the natural levels and transition the drugs out. I say shame on the mental health professional that is not willing to use targeted nutrient therapy who cannot pose a proper argument against it. 

I’d like to see a profession that can embrace the understanding that the ideal state is a nutrient rich drug free state where deficiencies have been identified and corrected, and that drugs are a less ideal state which are at best a sometimes necessary evil to help us gain stability long enough to work that process of discovery.